
I’m watching too much TV today.  It started this morning after my husband left for work.  I began searching for shows to record on the DVR.  I came across a great show on a PBS channel about a month ago and just this morning thought  to record it.  It’s called Passport & Palette.  The episode I had watched showcased the artist James Asher.  It is very interesting to see the thoughts of different artists each week.  They paint their own way.  I would love to take an art class.  Later I will check out YouTube to view more on instructional art.

Oh man!!!  Where has the day gone?  I believe I have OD-ed  on television.  Two LMN chick flicks!

To readers–do you ever beat yourself up for spending this much time watching TV?

The first movie I watched  was called “I Do (But I Don’t)” starring Denise Richards and Dean Cain.  They make a beautiful couple.  I love Dean Cain’s build.  The movie reminded me very much of “The Wedding Planner”.  It was worth watching all the way through.


I just got through making blueberry muffins from scratch.  They are delicious!

Yesterday I got in touch with my Aunt Mary.  It was so good to talk to her and find out about her family.  She is so sweet!  I emailed a scanned image of one of those letters sent especially to her from her dad during WWII.  She wants me to send her all of the letters I scan.  There are so many!  I went through the letters yesterday and separated them by the year they were written.  He had put into an envelope a couple of pages from an army publication called The Yankee Boomer that had some pictures of his railway battalion in it.  They were in France at the time.  I think it’s so cool to have little things of my grandpa’s, especially being able to find out so much about him while he was in the army.  His words of endearment to my grandma I cherish more than anything.  My grandparents raised and adopted me.  I have so much respect for my grandpa.  My grandparents are both gone now.

My husband is going to put a wheel bearing on my car today.  He’s so smart!  His muscles and brains saves us so much money!  I truly appreciate that.  We have everything we need and much of what we want.

What can I do today?  I’m thinking….  This is my husband’s day off.  He will be working the rest of the weekend–36 hrs. in 3 days.  I feel for him.

I’ll mow the grass while he works outside on the car.  Meanwhile, I might scan some more letters while he’s resting.  I’ll do something special with my son today.  We all might work on our landscape together this evening.  We like to dig in the dirt and rake.  We use the large rocks we’ve uncovered to make a retaining wall by the creek.  I’m going to try to insert a picture of some of the rocks that came out while we were digging a couple of days ago.

Rocks, rocks, and more rocks!

Rocks, rocks, and more rocks!


I’m searching for something interesting to write down.  Interesting to me may not be interesting to you. I have just finished listening to Psychosocial by Slipknot and Use Somebody by Kings of Leon for the first time.  I love to find good music.  My dad and stepmother like mostly country music.  I can only appreciate so much country music in a day.  Rock and pop are my favorites.

I’m looking forward to getting in touch with my Aunt Judy and Aunt Mary by phone today and finding out if they have an email address.  If so, I can send them scanned letters from my grandpa written during WWII.  They would love to read them, especially Aunt Mary.  She was just a baby when the majority of the letters were written.    I haven’t went through all of them yet, but I have already found an old card especially sent to Papa’s first born baby, Mary. In one letter he drew pictures of himself in uniform, my grandma, and Mary. In many of the letters he is wanting my grandma to tell things to Mary, like “tell her I love her and tell her to be a good girl”. There was also a picture postcard of the Eiffel Tower and a picture postcard of the boats in the canal.  These letters are special to me and I’m glad to have the opportunity to have them scanned for later generations to read.

As I finished that last sentence, I am reminded of what my father-in-law preaches.  He is a Free Will Baptist preacher and the pastor of my church.  He thinks this is the last generation to live on the earth.  He thinks his grandson will possibly see the second coming of the Lord.  He has studied the last book of the Bible, Revelations, for many years and has written about it.  He preaches that the prophesies are almost fulfilled.  My thoughts?  I have read through the Bible and believe the same things.  I think it is very scary and sad to think about.  I think of all the sin in the world.  I feel very sinful myself.  I’m supposed to be a Christian but I don’t know what the Lord thinks of me.  I still have worldly desires.  Am I still wrapped up in the world?  God has to be first for me to be a Christian.  It is depressing because I don’t think I can keep Him first.

I didn’t mean to sound depressing, but sometimes things come up that have to be faced.

OK, there has to be a positive plan for the day.  I’m thinking….my son and I can work together on the landscape.  I can talk with my 2 aunts today.  I might also play piano while listening to some songs on YouTube.  I love to play along with the original music!  It’s sort of like Guitar Hero.  It is challenging.

Life goes on!